Liquid Acrylic LED Sign Technology
Liquid Acrylic Signs are the latest technology for LED Sign boards for the field of branding and signboard making. The images shown below are letters from liquid acrylic with aluminum channel letters. The front face of the letters are from liquid acrylic which is require to add different pigments as per the need of colors of the signboards. Process of these types of signs with UV rays technology to make them dry & rigid materials that are durable in sunlight and other weather conditions. It gives good strength and waterproofing to the LED Letters.
- Can achieve perfect color combination
- Can achieve equal light output
- No color change after glowing LED lights
- Proper waterproofing
- Any colors can be created using pigments
- No cut marks no glue marks, clean finishing of the letters.
Procedure of using liquid resin acrylic in LED signs
Many Other types of sign board are upgrading through technology and innovation in the signboard manufacturing field this days. New machines are invented day by day to make such type of 3D LED signs, Printed signs, 2D signs, LED display etc… Now A days Aluminum channel bending machines have also become very popular. It can make the letters in a precise way by computerized machine cutting and bending process. From the Aluminum channel bending process we make the Liquid Acrylic LED Sign or 3D letters which give no light leakage or Airgaps. Our production team pour the Liquid resins of the Acrylic into the Aluminum channel profile letters and then it should put into UV Ray chamber to make it dry and hard for at least 24 hours. After making the letters fixing of LED inside the letters to give enough lighting of the letters during night time. The image shows the coloring pigments with liquid resin acrylic signboard.