Pixel LED Sign boards

pixel LED sign board

Introduction Pixel LED Sign Boards

Pixel LED Sign boards and Pixel LED lighting are one of the LED lights we will explain here. There are many types of LED signs available in the market these days. LEDs are in many materials and shapes to make decorative lighting items. Pixel LED lights are widely in use for Events, Decorations, Fairs, Creative multi-color lighting decorations, Multi-colored Sign boards, etc… from which Pixel LED lights are available in multicolored or single-colored pixel LEDs which come with 6mm to 16mm diameters. It comes in many formats but mainly two types of formats available for use in LED signboards.

RGB Pixel LED lights


  1. The LEDs are connected through a series of connected wiring, 50 to 60-pixel LEDs connect to make a bunch series and it comes in waterproof and non-waterproof both options.
  2. The Pixel LEDs come in a strip with Flexible PCB instead of wires to supply the chip.
  3. Pixel LEDs come in Neon Shape lighting.
Pixel LED strips multi-color
Pixel LED strips multi-color

Pixel LED RGB NeonPixel LED RGB Neon

Types Pixel LED Signs

Pixel LED sign boards are available in 2 types

  1. 3D embossed writings for LED Sign Board with pixel LED lights on front face of the 3D letters.
  2. Neon shape LED signs which come in flexible Neon look like silicon tubes with Pixel LED light strips inside the silicon tube.

The Below image shows the Pixel LED lights with 3D embossed LED Signboard letters, The 3D letters making by using materials like ACP, Aluminum, Acrylic, or other suitable metal body with holes to fix the pixel LED lights. The pixel LED is available in a single color and multi-color also known as RGB Pixel LED light options. Remote control or mobile application available to control the Pixel LEDs. The lights have an IC connected with the Pixel LED PCB through which we can control the color and functioning of the Lights and colors.

pixel LED sign board


There are videos in the video gallery page of this website which shows the sign with multi-color Pixel LED lights.


To check multi-color pixel LED Sign board videos

The pixel LEDs has 3 color diodes in single chip, RED, GREEN, AND BLUE color output from single LED chip. The combination of RGB colors with required brightness can create more than 256 colors output in the Pixel LEDs which are used to show multi-colored video as well as multi-color functioning lights. We use such type of LEDs for creating high brightness LED sign boards which can be visible from far distances. Mostly we make roof top signboards to create high brightness signboards using pixel LED lights.